
NLSDays uses  EBD Group’s PartneringONE™, the leading conference network solution. It ensures that you meet the right people at the right time and optimise your daily schedule. Partnering helps you to fulfil all your meeting requests so that you can enjoy well-planned days. Go one step further: pitch your company’s story, plans and objectives to an international audience of business development executives, investors, and media – and watch your meeting requests in partnering soar.

With partnering you can

Search partners

Start the partnering process two months ahead of the conference. Review partnering opportunities by therapeutic area, licensing status and other industry relevant search options. Select potential meeting partners from hundreds of company profiles.

Connect and manage your meetings

Select times you are available for meetings on your Agenda/Schedule page. Participating companies may submit up to 150 meeting requests to selected companies, adding personal messages if desired. You may accept or decline incoming meeting requests. It’s possible to browse key pages on mobile devices.


Meeting times and locations will be automatically assigned to mutually convenient times beginning one week prior to the conference. All meeting times are scheduled in 30-minute intervals, with the meetings expected to last 25 minutes. It’s easy to keep an overview of all meeting participants, times and  locations with a personalised schedule.

For further details or any specific request/question about PartneringONE™, please contact our support team at

Important deadlines

19 August 2024: The partnering system opens. You’ll receive your partnering credentials from and get the opportunity to fill-up or update your company and personal profiles. Search for participants and start requesting meetings.

2 September 2024: Meeting scheduling begins. All accepted meeting requests with mutual availability will be assigned a meeting time and location.

2-19 September 2024: Meeting scheduling continues on a rolling basis (on business days).

18-19 September 2024: Meetings will take place onsite during NLSDays. Meeting times are scheduled in 30-minute intervals, with the meetings expected to last 25 minutes. Access your schedule on your computer or mobile device.

Easy partnering

The PartneringONE™ platform is web-based, so there is nothing to download to your computer. Just log in and connect with your conference community, anytime, anywhere.

Partnering Tutorials and Resources